剛剛起床看到新聞說 某賣場因為產地直銷
大閘蟹特價一隻只要100塊 (因為平常一隻都要2.300塊)
所以一堆人瘋狂搶購嚐鮮 ...........
Awareness of what is divided into high and low frequency type!?
Just get up to see the news said. some stores
because the producer direct sale
One crab specials for $ 100 (as usual only to 2.300)
So a bunch of people mad rush to early adopters ... ...
但是如果你仔細想 先不管價錢問題
而是仔細想 大閘蟹就是活生生的動物
(先不論層層剝削 價格哄抬等等的利益手段)
But if you put your mind. regardless of price
But think carefully. the crab is a living animal
(Despite the layers of exploitation. the price bid up interest means)
如今才會養成習慣 所以應該要慢慢改掉這習慣才對
Theoretically speaking, we really shouldn't eat meat food
Because we are fed by their families from childhood eating meat
Will now become habitual. slowly so it should get rid of this habit to
Fruits and plants on Earth
Already allows us
to obtain a very ample body needs nutrients
Even direct us ultra high energy index
認真思考一下 你自己是不是顯得有點野蠻 殘忍 思想未進化?
Crab is a living animal
People still in the mad rush to prepare
for home slaughtering dolphins. eating them ... ...
Seriously think about ...
whether you seemed a bit barbaric. cruel. thought not evolved?
一般痛苦怨難伸 設身處地捫心想 誰肯將刀割自身......
Flesh-and-blood-stained feet Jane
General pain complaint difficult head. minds think ...
who would be willing to cut their own......
《 地 球 公 民 紀 錄 片 》